Meeting Agenda

Next Meeting Agenda

Denton Town Council

Meeting Agenda

August 1, 2024


This meeting will be held on Zoom. Please click the link below and pre-register to attend. Register in advance for this meeting:  After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Pledge Allegiance to the Flag - 6:00 p.m.

Invocation – Pastor Dan Gedman

Record of Attendance

Approval of Minutes – July 11, 2024, Regular Meeting


Public Hearing

Ordinance #753 – Stormwater Management Ordinance Amendment


Petitions, remonstrances and communication

            Proclamation – Caroline Summerfest

Proclamations – Sports Award Recognition


Introduction and adoption of resolutions and ordinances - Complete copies of all ordinances and resolutions are available for review at the Denton Town Office.

Resolution # None

Ordinance #753 – Stormwater Management Ordinance Amendment - consideration of adoption


Unfinished Business

  1. None


New Business

  1. Alternate Appointment to Planning Commission
  2. Projects Update

Reports of officers, board and committees



The next Denton Town Council Meeting is September 5, 2024.  Items for consideration on this agenda should be presented to the Denton Town Office by noon on August 23, 2024.

Note:    This meeting is being held in person and online. All or part of the Denton Town Council Meeting may be held in closed session under the authority of the Maryland Open Meeting Act. Please advise town staff of any special needs you may have to attend the Town Meeting.


Past Agendas

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