TOWN OF DENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING – Ordinance 710 (posted 2/17/21)

The Denton Town Council will conduct a Public Hearing on March 4, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. on the following Ordinance:

Ordinance #710 – An Ordinance of the Town of Denton to amend the provisions contained in Chapter 120 of the Denton Town Code with respect to relocating a Handicap Parking Space, change in title from Police Vehicle to Public Safety Vehicles, Parallel Parking on One-Way Streets and clarifying the language of 120-27.

Due to the COVID-19 public health safety precautions, public access to the meeting room is limited and must be requested 24-hours in advance of the hearing. The hearings are open electronically to receive public comments using an online chat feature. Citizens can also submit comments in writing by March 3, 2021 either by emailing, or by mailing them to the Denton Town Office at 4 N. Second St., Denton MD, 21629.

A complete copy of the Ordinance and information on how to access the meeting is available on the Town of Denton website at

Public Testimony is encouraged and will be made part of the public record. Persons with questions regarding these hearings or to request approval to attend in person should call 410-479- 2050 for further information.

By Authority: Denton Town Council

Public Hearing notices pertain to pending legislation and pending development projects for the Town of Denton. These notices are also advertised in the newspaper for public review.