TOWN OF DENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Denton Town Council will conduct a virtual public hearing on May 7, 2020, at 7:00 p.m. on the following Ordinance:
Ordinance #705 – An Ordinance of the Town of Denton to appropriate funds and estimate income in accordance with the General Fund Budget being adopted for Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2020 and ending June 30, 2021.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions on public gatherings, public access to the meeting room is not permitted, however public comment is encouraged. Citizens can view and listen to the Public Hearing using the link posted on – May 7th Meeting agenda or via:
Please submit your comments in writing via email to: or mail to the Town of Denton – Ordinance #705 Hearing, 4 N. Second Street, Denton, MD 21629 by May 14, 2020. Public Testimony is encouraged and if received by May 7th will be made part of the public record. Comments will be accepted until May 14th. A complete copy of the Ordinance and how to access the meeting is also available for review on the Town website at
Persons with questions regarding this hearing may call 410-479-2050 for further information.
A Special Meeting of the Mayor and Council of the Town of Denton shall be held on May 18, 2020 at 6:30 PM to consider adoption of the proposed Ordinance, visit to for additional meeting access.
By Authority: Denton Town Council